Icy Blue

Flourish Event is ongoing until June 30! Yep, you still have a little less than 2 weeks to go and get the exclusive items there – one of them comes from the one and only AZUL by Mami Jewell! AZUL is participating in this round of Flourish with the super sexy dress called Nacari. ForContinue reading “Icy Blue”

Pink Me Up!

It’s been a while since my last post – but I am back with some awesome stuffs from some awesome creators for you! Today I am featuring not one, not two, but THREE products! Two of them are exclusives for events, so you need to get them ASAP! First of all, we have the BeardedContinue reading “Pink Me Up!”

The Warmth in the Winter

Brrrrr…winter is here! But with the festive surroundings, we can’t help but still feel warm inside. Today I would like to capture how I got my warmth this winter – by spending quality time with my close friends! With another winter backdrop from Synnergy.Tavis, I present to you the warmth of my winter : ThisContinue reading “The Warmth in the Winter”

Autumn Date

Uber’s anniversary round is almost ending! Have you checked it out? This time I would like to show you another one from [West End] for Uber’s anniversary round – autumn style! This beautiful couple pose is called “Just Us”. Personally I find this couple pose super intimate, got loads of emotions there. And I alsoContinue reading “Autumn Date”

Pumpkin Party!

Autumn has arrived, and the colors of the nature have shifted to a warm orange-ish tone. It’s still September, Halloween is not until next month, but pumpkins have definitely taken over a lot of the decoration, although without the carved face yet! This one is an oldie but goodie from GOOSE Home and garden toContinue reading “Pumpkin Party!”

By the Sea

The sea is a mysterious yet romantic place for me. Just staring at the sea and listening to the sound of the waves have a somewhat calming effect that I really love. For this post, I would like to highlight how the sea in SL can be a romantic spot for you and your lovedContinue reading “By the Sea”

SL Living Expo 2023

I’m pretty sure most of you have heard of Home and Garden Expo? Well, as a Relay for Life event and working with American Cancer Society, this year they are replacing it with SL Living Expo! If you visit the event, you will find beautiful landscapes with exciting activities, such as rides, auction, art walkContinue reading “SL Living Expo 2023”

The Smell of Christmas

November is coming to an end. A good friend of mine in the US just told me yesterday that she is on a Thanksgiving holiday, having a week off work (envy!). But I have to say, apart from the Black Friday Sales which is everywhere this weekend, everything in SL already smells like Christmas! CheckContinue reading “The Smell of Christmas”

Warm and Fuzzy Evening

A tent for camping? Nah, we’d rather use a giant tree stump. Somewhat less mainstream, I guess? -LOL- So, for this post, featuring 2 lovely products from GOOSE – the Path of Hope and the Hollow Cuddle Tree Stump – I decorated my camping ground some more and created a cozy spot for a qualityContinue reading “Warm and Fuzzy Evening”

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